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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6314424

NoClassDefFoundError with 1.4.2_08 and _09 but works well with 1.4.2_01


    • x86
    • windows_2000, windows_xp

      This problem affects an important Production application which will
      incur CPUC Fines if not available to the CLEC external users.
      9400 workstations have already received the 1.4.2_08 JRE . But We can
      not easily uninstall the application due to another open ticket issue
      (Call ref: 830055)
      There is a secondary application that requires 1.4.2_08 to be on the
      desktop by a slash cut date of 8/13/05 or SBC will have a significant
      loss of revenue from DSL sales that can not be made without this
      The following is the exception thrown by the Toolbar application when
      attempting to launch one of it's sub-applications

        File Name : javaConsoleError.txt ==>> This is from the Customer.

      The code snippet being executed when this exception is thrown is

      ** Test Case Attached which produces similar situation **
      Steps to Run The Test Case :
       Unzip the SBC_TestCase.zip file and install jdk 1.4.2_01 environment both sdk and jre.
      Compile with 1.4.2_01 and Please update the path within batch file provided within zip file called 'makeToolbarJar.bat'
      Update destination path within Appserver to be moved to, for two jar files specified within the batch file, toolbar.jar and tbebta.jar. Execute the batch file.
      We used Tomcat 4.1 for this as AppServer. Then execute 'TestApp.html' after making path changes if needed.
      As the result, we can see ClassLoader object being printed and Footline Message, as in "ResultWith_1.4.2_01.txt".

       The same when repeated with 1.4.2_08 and _09, starting from compiling to execution, we can see ClassLoader object being printed but will get error message seen in "ResultWith_1.4.2_08.txt" :

           Error Message Seen :
              java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Illegal name: com/sbc/toolbar/test/Loadee
       Need immediate investigation on this as this is proving as a problem for many workstations of the customer.

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            sdattatrsunw Sreenatha Dattatri (Inactive)
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