Resolution: Future Project
When JAXP was integrated into J2SE,
the command line for XSLT was disabled
for security reasons. See bug 5099865.
(formerly org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process)
does not include the 'main-'method anymore.
It has the method '_main' instead.
Consequently, there is no way with J2SE 5
to perform a simple XSLT transformation
on an XML file from the commandline using
the JAXP and XSLTC processor that are built
in. This is a serious loss of functionality,
as compared to the Xalan processor at Apache.
This RRE requests that a commandline tool
be added to j2se so our customer can do
XSLT transformations (important for
debugging style sheets).
I talked to Bill Shannon about this and he
seemed to agree it was a good idea.
As things currently stand, the fact that there
is no commandline is not well documented. So
our customers have to learn the hard way that
they have to cobble up something.
Here is what Ramesh Mandava said:
> com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process
>class can be used for doing commandline transformation.
>But the catch here is that we renamed the "main" method into
>"_main" for Security reasons.
>So you need to write a small shell application which would pass the
>parameters to "_main" method of the above class.
I'm saying that such should be incorporated into J2SE so
our users will not have to do it.
the command line for XSLT was disabled
for security reasons. See bug 5099865.
(formerly org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process)
does not include the 'main-'method anymore.
It has the method '_main' instead.
Consequently, there is no way with J2SE 5
to perform a simple XSLT transformation
on an XML file from the commandline using
the JAXP and XSLTC processor that are built
in. This is a serious loss of functionality,
as compared to the Xalan processor at Apache.
This RRE requests that a commandline tool
be added to j2se so our customer can do
XSLT transformations (important for
debugging style sheets).
I talked to Bill Shannon about this and he
seemed to agree it was a good idea.
As things currently stand, the fact that there
is no commandline is not well documented. So
our customers have to learn the hard way that
they have to cobble up something.
Here is what Ramesh Mandava said:
> com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process
>class can be used for doing commandline transformation.
>But the catch here is that we renamed the "main" method into
>"_main" for Security reasons.
>So you need to write a small shell application which would pass the
>parameters to "_main" method of the above class.
I'm saying that such should be incorporated into J2SE so
our users will not have to do it.