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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6367376

Item Selected in JList is not visible after disabling the JList in MotifLookAndFeel.


    • generic, sparc
    • generic, solaris_10

      Item Selected in JList is not visible after disabling the JList in MotifLookAndFeel.
      Description :
            I have JFrame & three button "Enable" button to enable the JList. "Disable" button to
      disable the JList & "Get Value" button to the get the selected value & print on the standard output.
      Step to reproduce:
         1) Select an item in the JList.
         2) you can see the item is selected in the LJist.
         3) Click on the "Get Value" button the selected value is printed on the standard output.
        4) Click on the "Disable" button . The JList is disabled .You can't see the item selected ( value of the selected item is in black color) .
         5) repeat step 3.

      I tested this program with build b64.
      I have attached the program.

            shickeysunw Shannon Hickey (Inactive)
            lpremkumsunw Lawrence Premkumar1 (Inactive)
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