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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6368613

REG:java is not working after mustang upgrade/downgrage from/to 1.3.1_X/1.4.2_X/1.5.0_X on windows


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P1 P1
    • 6
    • 6
    • deploy
    • b71
    • x86
    • windows, windows_xp

      This bug now is reproducible in the latest Mustang beta build 59e also.

      java is not working after mustang upgrade/downgrage from/to 1.3.1_X/1.4.2_X/1.5.0_X on windows.
      Steps to reproduce:
      - install mustang (jre1.6.0) build 65 (promoted)
      - make sure "java -version" is working
      - install tiger update (jre1.5.0_06) (latest promoted)
      - try "java -version", it is not working
      - uninstall jre1.5.0_06
      - try "java -version" again, it is not working
      and if you in step 5 uninstall jre1.6.0, java will be removed totaly from windows system dir (but we still have jre1.5 on the machine)
      It is a regression. Everything works fine with jre1.6.0_build62
      I did further testing and it is looks worse then it was from the beginning:

      This is how our Mustang behave now:

      1) Upgrade from 1.3.1_X to Mustang

      - on clean machine (no jre), install 1.3.1_X version
      - upgrade it to Mustang (you can use any build starting from build 64 (63 working fine))
      - remove 1.3.1_X version (uninstall 1.3.1_X)
      - try java ("Command not found") (this is another bug, I think not related to Joe's changes)
      - from IE, try "Sun Java Console" - it is not registered (this is another bug, I think not related to Joe's changes)
      - now, if you try to execute javaws error coming:
      Initial Java Virtual Machine Launcher
      Failing reading value of registry key:Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion

      Same scenario working fine with build 63

      2) Upgrade from 1.4.2_X to Mustang

      - on clean machine (no jre), install 1.4.2_X version
      - upgrade it to Mustang (you can use any build starting from build 65 (64 working fine))
      - remove 1.4.2_X version (uninstall 1.4.2_X)
      - now try to execute java, it is not responding at all (javaws working fine)

      Same scenario working fine with build 64

      3) Upgrade from 1.5.0_X to Mustang

      - on clean machine (no jre), install 1.5.0_X version
      - upgrade it to Mustang (you can use any build starting from build 65 (64 working fine))
      - remove 1.5.0_X version (uninstall 1.5.0_X)
      - now try to execute java, it is not responding at all (javaws working fine)

      Same scenario working fine with build 64

            jkowalsksunw Joseph Kowalski (Inactive)
            sergei Sergei Sapozhnikov
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