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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6376416

MXBean spec does not forbid parameterized types but implementation does


    • Cause Known
    • generic
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      The MXBean specification says how certain parameterized types such as List<String> are handled, but does not say what happens with types that are not in this list. So for example, if I define...
          public class Whatsit<T> {
              public T getThing() {...}
      ...then following the rules specified in javax.management.MXBean, I would expect "Mappings for other types" to apply, so that an MXBean interface like this...
          public interface SomeMXBean {
              public Whatsit<String> getA();
      ...would define an attribute called A with the same type as if I had defined this...
          public class Whatsit {
              public String getThing() {...}
          public interface SomeMXBean {
              public Whatsit getA();
      But the current implementation rejects this. Either the spec should be changed to rule out this case, or the implementation should be changed to accept it.

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            emcmanus Eamonn McManus
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