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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6378580

REG:Mozilla family check box is unchecked by default


      Mozilla family check box is unchecked by default

      Tested Build : mustang beta b59d
      Tested OS : windows

      Steps to reproduce :

      1. Install mustang jre build 59d (make sure that mozilla installed before jre)
      2. Remove the sun folder under c:\documents and settings\<user>\application data
      3. Launch Java Control Panel
      4. Go to Advanced->Default Java for browsers->Mozilla family
      It can be noticed that Mozilla family checkbox is unchecked

      Expected behavior : checkbox should be checked by default

      5. Now check the check box and press apply
      There is a popup "Success - Browser" with ok button
      6. Press ok button and close java control panel
      Now relaunch the Java control panel

      Actual behavior : Mozilla family check box is unchecked
      Expected behavior : Mozilla family check box should be checked
      Redipatching as this bug is reproducible with promoted b72

            herrick Andy Herrick (Inactive)
            mnarayansunw Malathi Narayanan (Inactive)
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