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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6387275

List: the focus is at the top of the first item, XAWT


    • 5.0
    • b79
    • sparc
    • solaris_10
    • Verified

      After filtering ( filter button is pressed either using keyboard / mouse.) The contents of the file List changes & the focus is at the top of the first item in the file list.

      Step to reproduce.
      1) Run the attached program. You can see a frame with "Open" button.
      2) Press the "Open" button, you can see filedialog.
      2) get the cursor to the filter textfield (either keyboard / mouse) initially you can see * in the cursor textfield. Modify the filter textfield example *.class , *.java , *.gif etc.
      3) Press TAB untill the focus comes to "Filter" button using keyboard . Press spacebar when the focus is on the "Filter" button or or click on the
      "Filter" button using mouse.
      4) You can see the contents of file list changes.
      Note:- Observe that the 'Focus' is at the top of the first item in the file list .

      It works fine in Tiger RC build 63 . Even it works fine till Mustang b42. This must have been introduced after b42. This is a Motif behavious.

      Another observation on the same focus.
      step to reproduce
      1) Run the attached program. You can see a frame with "Open" button.
      2) Press the "Open" button, you can see filedialog.
      3) get the focus to the file list using keyboard. When the focus comes to the file list the whole content of the file list is selected.

      It works fine in Tiger RC build 63 . Even it works fine till Mustang b42. This must have been introduced after b42. This is a Motif behavious.

      This both the are Motif behavious.
      second one after navigating using keyboard ,when the focus come to file list . The focus is not on the first item of the file list . the selection is on the whole file list. we have to press "down arrow key" to select the first item from the file list.

            dcherepanov Dmitry Cherepanov
            lpremkumsunw Lawrence Premkumar1 (Inactive)
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