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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6388932

AlertText should be displayed in proper format with more than 255 words


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not an Issue
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 5.0u7
    • 5.0u7
    • deploy

      5.ou7-b02 PIT Testing.

      RFE#6257619: Add support for downloading and displaying custom messages through auto-update
      Test-spec => http://sqeweb.sfbay/deployment1/SQE/testing/toolbar/CustomMessagesThroughAutoupdate.html
      Testcase => UCM001-003: Alert Text message should be displayed in proper format with more than 255 words.

      Testcase UCM001-003 is failing on win2000pro and win-xp-pro. I set the following for the AlertText tag in my .xml file for java update.

      <AlertText>2005 marks the 10th birthday of Java technology. Starting out as just a programming language, Java technology has exploded into a ubiquitous technology platform that today touches the lives of people everywhere. This 10th birthday celebration book tells the story of how Java technology came to influence technologists, then businesses, then consumers, and now has become the predominate software on the planet.</AlertText>

      However, only the following is being displayed when java update takes place.

      "2005 marks the 10th birthday of Java technology. Starting out as just a programming language, Java technology has exploded into a ubiquitous technology platform that today touches the lives of people everywhere. This 10th birthday celebration book tells t"

      I have tested this on win2000pro and win-xp-pro with screen resolutions of "1024 x 768" and "1152 x 864" respectively. Please find attached screenshots (4 images, .bmp files), see screenshots.tar.gz.

            pallenba Peter Allenbach (Inactive)
            rmcphers Raymond Mcpherson (Inactive)
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