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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6389456

TrayIcon does not update the new image(static/animated) after animated image is set.


    • b79
    • sparc
    • solaris_10
    • Verified

      TrayIcon does not update the new image after animated image is set.

      Step to Reproduce
      1) Run the attached program.
      2) click on the "Add TrayIcon" Checkbox. You can see some components are added below the
         checkbox and a TrayIcon is added to the SystemTray.
      3) Click on the "AutoSize" checkbox ( to set the autosize of the image to true).
      4) Click on the "Browse" button & select fight.jpg file ( i have attached) which is a
         static image.
      5) Click on the "SetImageIcon" button. Observe that the TrayIcon image (fight.jpg ) is
      6) Click on the "Browse" button & Select animdog.gif file ( i have attached ) which is an
         animated image.
      7) Click on the "SetImageIcon" button. Observe that the TrayIcon image (animdog.gif) is
      8) Click on the "Browse" button & Select JavaCup.gif file ( i have attached ) which is an
         animated image.
      9) Click on the "SetImageIcon" button. Observe the TrayIcon image, you can see both the
         images .
      you can even try step 8 & 9 with static images . the previous animated image can be seen(animated) , not the newly updated image (static ).

      This is reproducable on solaris 10 & winxp & reproducable from b51 to b72.

            ant Anton Tarasov (Inactive)
            lpremkumsunw Lawrence Premkumar1 (Inactive)
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