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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6393608

Parent Frame is pushing the dialog behind after calling frame.setVisible(true) in winxp


    • b79
    • x86
    • windows_xp
    • Verified

      Parent frame is pushing the dialog behind after calling fram.setVisible(true) in winxp.

      Step to Reproduce
      1. Run the Attached Program.after copying the image also to the same directory.
      2. Click the Checkbox 'Add a system tray icon' to add the tray icon to the system tray.
         You can see tray icon on the system tray.
      3. Click on the "Browse" button. You can see the Filechooser on the top of the
      4. Right click on the TrayIcon. You can see the popup menu.
      5. Select "MainWindow" MenuItem. If you see Frame (parent) on the top(front) of the
         filechooser, then the bug is reproduce.

        Both the frame(parent) & Dialog are inactive (focus is not there on the filechooser). Click on the titlebar of the frame. You can see the Dialog appearing in front of the Frame(parent).

      I tested this with Mustage b51 to b73.

            art Artem Ananiev (Inactive)
            lpremkumsunw Lawrence Premkumar1 (Inactive)
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