jinfo tool prints Java System properties and JVM command line flags for a live process or for a core dump. Please add -flag option to view and turn on/off a JVM flag dynamically. This is applicable only for live processes and only for a select subset of "manageable" flags. Not all JVM command line flags can be safely set dynamically. So, allow only a few flags such as PrinGC, PrintGCDetails, TraceClassLoading (or verbose:class) etc. to be turned on/off dynamically.
- relates to
JDK-6417444 jtreg test sun/tools/jinfo/Basic.sh is failing on linux-amd64
- Resolved
JDK-6274545 Add dtrace probes for tracing Java program
- Closed
JDK-6314913 Dynamic setting support of VM options in the hotspot diagnostic MBean
- Resolved