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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6420491

JCK-Runtime-14a SecureRandom tests fail only on sun4u with -d64 -Xcomp configuration.

    • sparc
    • solaris_nevada, solaris_10

      Configuration: JCK-Runtime-14a - MultiJVM Mode.
      JAVA: java version "1.4.2_12"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_12-b02)
      Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.4.2_12-b02, compiled mode)
      OS: Sparc 10 u1 b19a [ latest Java recommended patches]
      Config: -d64 -Xcomp

      The following api/java_security tests fail with the above configuration only.


      All fail with following message:

      SecureRandom101: Failed. - maybe accidentally, with probability 1%
      STATUS:Failed.test cases: 1; all failed; first test case failure: SecureRandom101

      See attached .jtr for one of the tests for full details.
      See also attached SecureRandom.sh for reproducing the first test case failure.
      Need only to change JDK and JCK environment variables in the script.

      Further analysis is as follows across different platforms.

      JDK OS Config RESULT
      1.4.2_12b2 Sparc 10u1b19a -d64 -Xcomp 5 SecureRandom Tests fail.
      1.4.2_12b2 Sparc 10u1b19a -Xcomp All Pass.
      1.4.2_12b2 Sparc 10u1b19a -d64 All Pass.

      HENCE RELATED to combination of -d64 -Xcomp configuration only.

      1.4.2_12b2 AMD64 10u1b19a -d64 -Xcomp All Pass.
      1.4.2_12b2 XP Home -d64 -Xcomp All Pass.
      1.4.2_12b2 Sparc 9 -d64 -Xcomp All Pass.
      1.4.2_12b2 sun4v 10u1b19a -d64 -Xcomp All Pass.

      HENCE RELATED to sun4u only and Solaris 10.

      These tests are also failing with -64 -Xcomp configuration on Sparc 10 u1 b19a for the following JDK releases -
      1.4.2_10b3 - As far back as I checked. So this is something which is not just related and introduced in 1.4.2_12.

      However, when I run the tests on the previous Solaris 10 FCS build which was -
      s10_74L2a SPARC with j2sdk1.4.2_12b2 -d64 -Xcomp the tests pass.
      Hence again only related to Solaris 10 u1 b19a.

      The last time this configuration was tested in QA ie: -d64 -Xcomp was for 1.4.2_10b3 at which time we were running the older FCS release of Solaris - s10_74L2a, and tests pass.

      I cannot determine from my analysis which java version this was introduced in, as you can see this is a somewhat an exceptional circumstance.
      We have tests which are conforming to sun4v Sol10u1b19a with -d64 -Xcomp config. and which are not conforming to sun4u.

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            amckeownsunw Annemarie Mckeown (Inactive)
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