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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6429971

D3D: ALT + TABing a FS application crashes the VM when AA is enabled, WinXP


    • 2d
    • 6
    • b96
    • x86
    • windows_xp
    • Verified

      I have a bouncing ball application which creates many ball objects on the screen when clicking the mouse. I have a volatile image to which I render all the balls and animate them. I have enabled AntiAlias when rendering the ball objects and I am running this app in FS mode. When I press ALT + TAB or the windows key after adding few ball objects, the VM crashes immediately.

      This is reproducible on WinXP with Mustang-b59d and b84. This is not seen when disabling AA. This is not seen with other pipelines such as OGL and noddraw. The stack trace appears to be from D3D since D3D is enabled by default for FullScreen applications in Mustang. Would be good to fix this for mustang since it appears like a regression.

      I have executed this on b83 fast_debug build with J2D_TRACE_LEVEL set to 4. I have attached the test and the log files.

      I reproduced it on Nvidia GeForce4 MX440, MX4000, FX5900 with the latest nvidia driver (84.21).

            tdv Dmitri Trembovetski (Inactive)
            pmohansunw Praveen Mohan (Inactive)
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