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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6431525

isAlwaysOnTop() return false, when the frame is set back using toBack().


    • b89
    • sparc
    • solaris_10
    • Verified

      "When an always-on-top window is sent toBack, its always-on-top state is set to false".
      I have two frame, Frame1 is set to always-on-top state. when the both the frame are visible, i am setting the frame1 toBack , then i checking whether frame1 is on top using isAlwaysOnTop(), this method should return true, but it return false.

      Step to reproduce:
      1) Run the attached program. You can see two frame.
      2) see the console for the output. you will see the following output.
      frame1 is visible
      frame2 is visible
      "Yes frame1 is on top" ----->( this should be "no")
      no frame2 is not on top
      If you see the same output , then the bug is reproduced.
      I tested this on Tiger FCS b64 to Mustang b85 & is still reproduced.

            yan Yuri Nesterenko
            lpremkumsunw Lawrence Premkumar1 (Inactive)
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