A command-line parameter such as -lib_path should be added to java.exe and javac.exe. This value indicates the repository of jars instead of making users specify them one by one. Java compile and JVM can automatically form a classpath by scanning the certain location.
Once the amount of referenced jars increases in a java software, users should set the classpath property manually, it's a boring and repeated work.
A command-line parameter such as -lib_path should be added to java.exe and javac.exe. This value indicates the repository of jars instead of making users specify them one by one. Java compile and JVM can automatically form a classpath by scanning the certain location.
Once the amount of referenced jars increases in a java software, users should set the classpath property manually, it's a boring and repeated work.
- duplicates
JDK-6268383 Class-path wildcards, jplan feature 082
- Closed