When receiving error diagnostics from the compiler:
Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d;
URI u = d.getSource().toUri();
File f = new File(u);
does not work. You need to use e.g.
File f = new File(u.toString());
since the "URI" is just a pathname, not a real 'file'-protocol URI.
In j2se/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/util/DefaultFileManager.java, it can be seen that the impl of RegularFileObject.toUri() [BTW why the inconsistent capitalization vs. File.toURI?] is incorrect:
public URI toUri() {
try {
return new URI(f.getPath());
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
return f.toURI();
which should read simply:
public URI toUri() {
return f.toURI();
Similarly, ZipFileObject gets it wrong too:
public URI toUri() {
String zipName = new File(getZipName()).toURI().getPath();
String entryName = getZipEntryName();
return URI.create("jar:" + zipName + "!" + entryName);
should read:
public URI toUri() {
String zipName = new File(getZipName()).toURI().toString();
String entryName = getZipEntryName();
return URI.create("jar:" + zipName + "!" + entryName);
(Not sure whether URI.toString() is appropriate here or whether e.g. URI.toASCIIString() should be used.)
Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d;
URI u = d.getSource().toUri();
File f = new File(u);
does not work. You need to use e.g.
File f = new File(u.toString());
since the "URI" is just a pathname, not a real 'file'-protocol URI.
In j2se/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/util/DefaultFileManager.java, it can be seen that the impl of RegularFileObject.toUri() [BTW why the inconsistent capitalization vs. File.toURI?] is incorrect:
public URI toUri() {
try {
return new URI(f.getPath());
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
return f.toURI();
which should read simply:
public URI toUri() {
return f.toURI();
Similarly, ZipFileObject gets it wrong too:
public URI toUri() {
String zipName = new File(getZipName()).toURI().getPath();
String entryName = getZipEntryName();
return URI.create("jar:" + zipName + "!" + entryName);
should read:
public URI toUri() {
String zipName = new File(getZipName()).toURI().toString();
String entryName = getZipEntryName();
return URI.create("jar:" + zipName + "!" + entryName);
(Not sure whether URI.toString() is appropriate here or whether e.g. URI.toASCIIString() should be used.)
- duplicates
JDK-6419926 JSR 199: FileObject.toUri() generates URI without schema (Solaris)
- Closed