Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
JDK Info: 5.0 U8 b03
OS: Generic
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Install jre
2) Clean Cache (\rm -rf ~/.java)
3) Goto "General" tab --> "Network Settings..." --> "Use proxy server"
4) Enter "Authenticated Proxy server" details
Address: jdeploy01.india.sun.com
Port: 8080
5) Click "OK" and save all changes and close Java ControlPanel
6) Launch a jnlp application (./javaws http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/apps/mg.jnlp)
Authenication details are prompted for.
Notice that the focus is not on the text field "User name", but on the button "Yes"
Expected Behavior:
When promopted for login details, the focus should be on the text field "User name"
OS: Generic
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Install jre
2) Clean Cache (\rm -rf ~/.java)
3) Goto "General" tab --> "Network Settings..." --> "Use proxy server"
4) Enter "Authenticated Proxy server" details
Address: jdeploy01.india.sun.com
Port: 8080
5) Click "OK" and save all changes and close Java ControlPanel
6) Launch a jnlp application (./javaws http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/apps/mg.jnlp)
Authenication details are prompted for.
Notice that the focus is not on the text field "User name", but on the button "Yes"
Expected Behavior:
When promopted for login details, the focus should be on the text field "User name"