Resolution: Not an Issue
Build: JDK6.0-b97
Platform: RHL4-AMD64
Locale: th_TH,th_TH.UTF8
The following ToolsLibs testcases are failing - with issues at the phase of class file generation/execution in these testcases:
# ToolsLibs/JavaTest
# ToolsLibs/JavaEncodingTest
# ToolsLibs/JarTest
# ToolsLibs/URLClassLoaderTest
# ToolsLibs/CustomClassLoaderTest
* Reproducable with other locales ?? :
Tested for hi_IN, ar_EG, he_IL : NOT reproducable.
* Reproducable in other platforms ?? :
Tested on RHL3-x86,S10-amd,S9-x86: Reproducable:Fails with same issue.
-The compilation phase & the generation of class files in this testcases is failing only for Thai locale.[There is also a FileNotFoundexception thrown as a result of this]
Please find the links for these testcase results (of b97):
Steps to use the Testsuite for reproducing this:
1)set the locale to thai(th_TH / th_TH.UTF8). Set JAVA_HOME, WORK_DIR & TONGA_REMOVE variables.
2)Unzip & use the latest b12 GlobalSuite: GS-Tonga_12.zip
3)Go to i18n_mustang_ws/i18n/bin/
4)execute the script as follows to run only these testcases :
sh runnit.sh -keywords:"tools"
sh runnit.sh -keywords:"libs"
You will see the 5 testcases mentioned above failing for Thai locale.
Repeat the same above steps by just changing only the locale setting i.e set the locale to hi_IN/ar_EG. You will now see the testcase will PASS
You can check your WORK_DIR to see the complete log files .
Platform: RHL4-AMD64
Locale: th_TH,th_TH.UTF8
The following ToolsLibs testcases are failing - with issues at the phase of class file generation/execution in these testcases:
# ToolsLibs/JavaTest
# ToolsLibs/JavaEncodingTest
# ToolsLibs/JarTest
# ToolsLibs/URLClassLoaderTest
# ToolsLibs/CustomClassLoaderTest
* Reproducable with other locales ?? :
Tested for hi_IN, ar_EG, he_IL : NOT reproducable.
* Reproducable in other platforms ?? :
Tested on RHL3-x86,S10-amd,S9-x86: Reproducable:Fails with same issue.
-The compilation phase & the generation of class files in this testcases is failing only for Thai locale.[There is also a FileNotFoundexception thrown as a result of this]
Please find the links for these testcase results (of b97):
Steps to use the Testsuite for reproducing this:
1)set the locale to thai(th_TH / th_TH.UTF8). Set JAVA_HOME, WORK_DIR & TONGA_REMOVE variables.
2)Unzip & use the latest b12 GlobalSuite: GS-Tonga_12.zip
3)Go to i18n_mustang_ws/i18n/bin/
4)execute the script as follows to run only these testcases :
sh runnit.sh -keywords:"tools"
sh runnit.sh -keywords:"libs"
You will see the 5 testcases mentioned above failing for Thai locale.
Repeat the same above steps by just changing only the locale setting i.e set the locale to hi_IN/ar_EG. You will now see the testcase will PASS
You can check your WORK_DIR to see the complete log files .