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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6469530

Memory leak in the focus subsystem


    • b03
    • generic
    • generic
    • Not verified

      I've found what looks like a long-standing memory leak involving the AWT focus subsystem. I believe this is the root cause of bug 6462383 for 1.4.2 and 5.0, and possibly 6.0.

      6462383 reports that even after a JFrame has been disposed and has no Java references, it is clearly still taking up space in the heap. I was able to get YourKit to tell me that the frame was being kept alive via a JNI GlobalRef. Some further debugging hinted that the most likely spot for the GlobalRef to be coming from was focus-related code. In particular, awt_Component.cpp contains the following methods:

      void *
      AwtComponent::GetNativeFocusOwner() {
          JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
          AwtComponent *comp =
          return (comp != NULL) ? comp->GetTargetAsGlobalRef(env) : NULL;
      void *
      AwtComponent::GetNativeFocusedWindow() {
          JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
          AwtComponent *comp =
          return (comp != NULL) ? comp->GetTargetAsGlobalRef(env) : NULL;

      which both call GetTargetAsGlobalRef() in awt_Object.h:

          INLINE jobject GetTargetAsGlobalRef(JNIEnv *env) {
              jobject localRef = GetTarget(env);
              if (localRef == NULL) {
                  return NULL;

              jobject globalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(localRef);
              return globalRef;

      The functions above certainly show the possibilty for GlobalRefs to be created and then not be deleted.

      I wrote an AWT-only test case which demonstrates this bug. It should be run with -verbose:gc to show the memory leak when a normal Frame is created and disposed of. Additionally, you can also see that an unfocusable Frame does not exhibit this leak - after a GC or two, the unfocusable Frame's memory drops out of the heap.

      import java.awt.event.*;
      import java.awt.*;

      public class SimpleAWTTest extends Frame implements ActionListener {
          Button gcBtn;
          Button bigBtn;
          Button dspBtn;

          Button bigUnfBtn;
          Button dspUnfBtn;

          Frame bigFrame;
          Frame bigUnfFrame;

          public SimpleAWTTest() {
              Panel btnPnl = new Panel();
              btnPnl.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

              gcBtn = new Button("GC");

              bigBtn = new Button("Create Frame");

              dspBtn = new Button("Dispose Frame");

              bigUnfBtn = new Button("Create Unfocusable Frame");

              dspUnfBtn = new Button("Dispose Unfocusable Frame");

              add(btnPnl, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              addWindowListener(new WL());

          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              Object src = e.getSource();
              if (src == gcBtn) {
              else if (src == bigBtn) {
                  bigFrame = new LeakFrame(true);
              else if (src == dspBtn) {
                  if (bigFrame != null) {
                  bigFrame = null;
              else if (src == bigUnfBtn) {
                  bigUnfFrame = new LeakFrame(false);
              else if (src == dspUnfBtn) {
                  if (bigUnfFrame != null) {
                 bigUnfFrame = null;

          static class LeakFrame extends Frame {
              byte[] bigLeak;

              public LeakFrame(boolean focusable) {
                  super("Big Frame");
                  bigLeak = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 24];
                  if (focusable) {
                      setBounds(0, 100, 100, 100);
                  else {
                      setBounds(150, 100, 100, 100);

              public void dispose() {
                  System.out.println("dispose() called");
          static class WL implements WindowListener {
                     public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
              public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
                  Window src = ((Window)e.getSource());
              public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){}
              public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e){}
              public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e){}
              public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}

          public static void main(String[] args) {
              SimpleAWTTest f = new SimpleAWTTest();

      FWIW, this bug can be hard to pickup with a profiler. It appears that there could be garbage collector action that (rarely) will pick up the wayward GlobalRef, though it's quite unreliable, and doesn't change the fact that we're creating GlobalRefs that don't get deleted.

      Though long-standing, this has the potential to be a serious memory leak, depending on an application's architecture. It should be fixed in 7.0 ASAP, and backported to all active update releases.
      BTW, the test case is only equipped to handle 1 single focusable/non-focusable window at a time. :)

            son Oleg Sukhodolsky (Inactive)
            bchristi Brent Christian
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