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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6503539

linux-sparc: SA: nsk/sajdi/SACoreAttachingConnector/attach/attach0* fails



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • P4
    • tbd
    • 7
    • hotspot
    • svc
    • sparc
    • linux


      java full version "1.7.0-internal-phh_14_nov_2006_19_47-b00"
      platform: linux-sparc
      Hotspot version: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (code based on 1.7.0 b02)
      Machine: genij.russia

      Similar fails for tests attach01,attach02,attach11,attach12

      script> Check if feature not implemented: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
      script> Feature is implemented: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
      script> Run SA-JDI test:
      script> DEBUGGER_CLASS: nsk.sajdi.SACoreAttachingConnector.attach.attach001
      script> DEBUGGEE_CLASS: nsk.sajdi.SACoreAttachingConnector.attach.attach001a
      script> TEST_OPTS: -verbose -arch=linux-sparc -waittime=2 -debugee.vmkind=java -connector=attaching_core -debugee.vmkeys=-server -Xmixed -DHANGINGJAVA10800 -Xcheck:jni
      script> CONNECTOR_NAME: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
      script> DEBUGGER_JAVA: /net/zummer.russia/export/users/ik199011/JDK7/linux-sparc/bin/java
      script> JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xmixed -DHANGINGJAVA10800 -Xcheck:jni -Dsun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.disableVersionCheck=1
      script> DEBUGGEE_JAVA: /net/zummer.russia/export/users/ik199011/JDK7/linux-sparc/bin/java
      script> JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xmixed -DHANGINGJAVA10800 -Xcheck:jni
      script> Check if generated files exist: debuggee.status DebugServer.status_and_log core
      script> Check if no core file size limit set
      script> Try to unlimit file size from: 0
      script> No core file size limit set: unlimited
      script> Run debuggee: nsk.sajdi.SACoreAttachingConnector.attach.attach001a
      script> Debuggee VM process started with pid: 3731 (3731)
      script> Wait for debuggee class to become ready within timeout: 120 seconds
      script> - not ready: 0 seconds
      Debuggee class started
      Debuggee class ready for debugging
      script> Debuggee VM got ready for debugging
      script> Kill debuggee VM process with SIGABRT for pid: 3731
      script> Wait for debuggee VM process terminated: 3731
      script> Debuggee VM terminated with exit status: 134
      script> Check if debuggee core file dumped: core
      script> Debuggee core file found: core.3731
      script> Try to restore core file size limit: 0
      script> Core file size limit restored: 0
      script> Run debugger: nsk.sajdi.SACoreAttachingConnector.attach.attach001
      Check AttachingConnector.attach() with sa-jdi connector:
          connector: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
          core file: core.3731
          javaExec: /net/zummer.russia/export/users/ik199011/JDK7/linux-sparc/bin/java
      Find connector in VirtualMachineManager.attachingConnectors():
          name: com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach
          name: com.sun.jdi.ProcessAttach
          name: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
      Found AttachingConnector:
          name: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector
          transport: sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.SACoreAttachingConnector$1@186c6b2
          description: This connector allows you to attach to a core file using the Serviceability Agent
      Set arguments for AttachingConnector:
          name: javaExecutable, value: /net/zummer.russia/export/users/ik199011/JDK7/linux-sparc/bin/java
          name: core, value: core.3731
      Attaching to target VM
      # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
      # SIGBUS (0xa) at pc=0xecd68d8c, pid=3746, tid=4150770608
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.7.0-internal-phh_14_nov_2006_19_47-b00 mixed mode)
      # Problematic frame:
      [error occurred during error reporting, step 60, id 0xe0000000]

      # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid3746.log
      # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
      # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
      script> Debugger finished with exit status: 134
      script> # ERROR: Debugger class returned fail status: 134
      script> Delete debuggee core file: core.3731
      script> Debuggee core file deleted
      script> Test exit status: 97

      hs_err_pid3746.log attached

      All data is stored at /net/zummer.russia/zummer/export/users/ik199011/testing/sa/sparc-linux.genij

      About these tests:

      attach01 DESCRIPTION

          The test for implementation of JDI function:


          for SA-JDI connector:


          The test checks that the tested connector is found among installed
          connectors and method AttachingConnector.attach() successfully attaches
          to a core file dumped by debuggee VM.

          This test uses common shared script to manage running debugger and
          debuggee classes, but does not use shared Binder class to establish
          connection to target VM.
          This test explicitely uses option "-connector=attaching_core" to use
          tested connector regardless of the settings in ini-file.

          The test fails with exit code 97 if no tested connector found in lists
          VirtualMachine.attachingConnectors() and VirtualMachine.allConnectors().
          or if an exception occured while attaching to target VM,
          The test passes with exit code 95 if all checks are successfull
          and no errors occur.

      atach02 DESCRIPTION

          The test for implementation of JDI functions:


          for SA-JDI connector:


          The test checks that the tested connector is found among installed
          connectors and method AttachingConnector.attach() successfully attaches
          to a core file dumped by debuggee VM. It also checks that provided
          VirtualMachine interface is read-only and successfully implements
          basic functions.

          This test uses common shared script to manage running debugger and
          debuggee classes, but does not use shared Binder class to establish
          connection to target VM.
          This test explicitely uses option "-connector=attaching_core" to use
          tested connector regardless of the settings in ini-file.

          The test fails with exit code 97 in these cases:

              - no tested connector found in lists VirtualMachine.attachingConnectors()
                and VirtualMachine.allConnectors()

              - one of checked exception occured while attaching to target VM

              - VirtualMachine.canBeModified() returns true

              - basic methods of VirtualMachine interface return unexpected values

          The test passes with exit code 95 if all checks are successfull
          and no errors occur.
      attach11 DESCRIPTION

          The test for implementation of JDI function:


          for SA-JDI connector:


          attaching to CORE via DebugServer tool.

          The test checks that the tested connector is found among installed
          connectors and method AttachingConnector.attach() successfully attaches
          to a core file dumped by debuggee VM.

          This test uses common shared script to manage running debugger and
          debuggee classes, but does not use shared Binder class to establish
          connection to target VM.
          This test explicitely uses options "-connector=attaching_server" and
          "-server.connector=attaching_core" to use tested connector regardless
          of the settings in ini-file.

          The test fails with exit code 97 if no tested connector found in lists
          VirtualMachine.attachingConnectors() and VirtualMachine.allConnectors().
          or if an exception occured while attaching to target VM,
          The test passes with exit code 95 if all checks are successfull
          and no errors occur.
      attach12 DESCRIPTION

          The test for implementation of JDI functions:


          for SA-JDI connector:


          attaching to CORE via DebugServer tool.

          The test checks that the tested connector is found among installed
          connectors and method AttachingConnector.attach() successfully attaches
          to a core file dumped by debuggee VM. It also checks that provided
          VirtualMachine interface is read-only and successfully implements
          basic functions.

          This test uses common shared script to manage running debugger and
          debuggee classes, but does not use shared Binder class to establish
          connection to target VM.
          This test explicitely uses options "-connector=attaching_server"
          and "-server.connector=attaching_pid" to use tested connector
          regardless of the settings in ini-file.

          The test fails with exit code 97 in these cases:

              - no tested connector found in lists VirtualMachine.attachingConnectors()
                and VirtualMachine.allConnectors()

              - one of checked exception occured while attaching to target VM

              - VirtualMachine.canBeModified() returns true

              - basic methods of VirtualMachine interface return unexpected values

          The test passes with exit code 95 if all checks are successfull
          and no errors occur.




            apangin Andrei Pangin
            ikrylov Ivan Krylov
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

