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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6525260

Red X shown in an applet is confusing to consumers


    • b02
    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_xp

        Facebook has an imageUpload applet. The applet requies permission before execution [see screenshot]. If the user denies permission, a Red X image is shown in the applet. [see screenshot].

        This is very confusing to users. No additional message is shown to users. If user changes his mind, he won't know what to do. I had to close my browser and re-run the applet to see the permission dialog again.

        Facebook requires a login. You can see this behavior on Aurigma. Steps to reproduce:
        1) Use Firefox browser. IE browser also has this problem. However the demo will use an ActiveX control for IE browsers.
        2) Go to: demo.aurigma.com/ImageUploader40/BasicDemo/default.aspx
        3) Deny permission and you'll see the Red X image

              mafishersunw Margarita Fisher (Inactive)
              kenchen Ken Chen
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