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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6545163

Misc openjdk build changes: configuration and warnings cleanup


    • b12
    • generic, x86
    • generic, linux_2.6
    • Not verified

      All relatively harmless, low risk changes for B12:

      Change 1: A few references to /java remain, where I can I'll remove these
               from being printed out, either if the path does not exist or if
               OPENJDK=true. I may need some flexibility here.

      Change 2: Completely remove all the references to PREVIOUS_JDK* variables.
               These should be ifdef'd on SKIP_COMPARE_IMAGES, which is defaulted
               to true now for OPENJDK builds, so these settings are not used at all
               with OPENJDK builds by default.

      Change 3: Reference to MOZILLA_HEADERS and GCC29* variables should not be
               printed out if the plugin is not being built.

      Change 4: The LANG setting of en_US is fine, allow this without a warning.

      Change 5: The HOTSPOT_DOCS warning is bogus, should be removed if NO_DOCS=true,
               which it should be the default for OpenJDK.

      Change 6: IF OPENJDK, skip the particular OS and gcc compiler warning
               completely. (The minimum OS/gcc checks still catch using OLD systems).

      Change 7: If OPENJDK, do not warn about the CUPS location used.

      Lastly, one more proposed change that might be more controversial:

      Change 8: By default OPENJDK builds should not generate docs (javadocs) or
               create the fastdebug builds. Just create the product JDK binary
               images. Extra 'make' targets would need to be used if they want
               docs or fastdebug images.
               This does not change the formal closed JDK builds.


      Also, try to change ALT_MOTIF_DIR to a /usr default, allowing for Solaris and Linux pre-packaged files which
      would not have the extra "motif" subdirectory. The sanity check may need to change too.

      Also, add a "clean" rule to the top level control/make/Makefile.

            ohair Kelly Ohair (Inactive)
            ohair Kelly Ohair (Inactive)
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