• b44
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      The following deserves no unchecked diagnostic, but javac produces one anyway.

      interface A<T> {}
      class B<T> {}

      class C {
              A<?> x = null;
              B y = (B)x;
      Another test case reported by the Eclipse team

      import java.util.*;
      public class X {
          X(List rawList, List<?> unboundList) {
                  Throwable t0 = (Throwable) Collections.emptyList(); // unchecked
                  Throwable t1 = (Throwable) rawList; // no warn
                  Throwable t2 = (Throwable) unboundList; // unchecked
                  Object o = unboundList;
                  Throwable t3 = (Throwable) o; // no warn
      Another test case clearly showing the silliness of the warning:

      public class C {
          interface I<T> {}
          static void m(I<?> o) {
              System.out.println("checking " + o);
              System.out.println("[#1] instance of Exception? " + (o instanceof Exception));
              System.out.println("[#2] instance of Exception? " + Exception.class.isInstance(o));
              System.out.println("[#3] instance of Exception? " + ((I) o instanceof Exception));
          public static void main(String[] x) {
              class I1 implements I<String> {}
              m(new I1());
              class I2 extends Exception implements I<String> {}
              m(new I2());

      Though all three checks do the same thing, line #1 elicits an unchecked warning from the compiler. Note that checking 'o instanceof Cloneable' (an interface) results in no warning.

            mcimadamore Maurizio Cimadamore
            ahe Peter Ahe
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