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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6575068

Hotspot Windows build fails in VS2005 due to getcwd/_getcwd POSIX name change


    • b03
    • x86
    • windows
    • Verified

        ###@###.### wrote:

        I bringover'ed the latest Hotspot WS and found one more issue while building it with VS2005:

        In the src/os/win32/vm/os_win32.cpp file on line 989 (the os::get_current_directory() function) the getcwd() function is used. However, according to the latest ISO C++ standard (well, as cl.exe says, at least) it is necessary to use _getcwd() instead of the plain getcwd() function. This, of course, generates just a warning, but warnings are considered to be fatal in case of Hotspot building, and therefore it causes the whole build to fail. I would encourage somebody from Hotspot team to fix this problem (though, I guess it's necessary to test such a change using VS2003 of course, I've no idea whether it will work with our current compiler).

              sbohne Steve Bohne (Inactive)
              sbohne Steve Bohne (Inactive)
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