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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6582078

JProgressBar with a string painted shows the filled color incorrectly on Win L&F.


      JProgressBar with a string painted shows the filled color incorrectly on Win L&F.
      This is observed for a progressbar with setStringPainted set to true.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1) Run the attached test case. Observe the JProgressBar when the UI comes up.
      Expected: JProgressBar's bar is completely empty and is completely white in color.
      Actual: JProgressbar's bar has a small band of blue color at the starting of the bar.(see attached image progressbarWinXP1.JPG)
      2)Click on the start Button and wait for the progressbar's fill animation to complete.
      Expected: The JProgresBar's bar is completely filled with the blue fill color.
      Actual At the start and end of the JRpgressbar there is a white band of unfilled space which looks a little odd.
      The tests and the images are attached for reference.

            malenkov Sergey Malenkov (Inactive)
            smandalisunw Srinivas Mandalika (Inactive)
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