Resolution: Not an Issue
Java version: 5.0u13 b01
hardvare: Win XP Home
locale: de
Compilation of tests ToolTipLeak.java, Bug4280243.java and Umlauts.java fails because package org.netbeans.jemmy does not exist.
For more info see report at http://java-g11n.sfbay/j2se/5.0u13/i18n/reports/results/b01/regression/windows_x86-XPHomeSP2-de/JTreport/failed.html
This didn't happen in update release 12.
failed test cases:
Compilation failed
* javax/swing/ToolTipManager/4352535/ToolTipLeak.java: 4352535 - ToolTipManager still leaks in Metal L&F 4360510 - Merlin(B26), Win2000 Hebrew,Solaris7IA, JToolTip throws exceptions 4360510 fixes goes with bug 4352535 Fixed in JDK1.3.1_03
* java/awt/im/4280243/Bug4280243.java: NullPointerException when popup menu extends beyonds parent frame
* java/awt/font/4322332/Umlauts.java: The dots of the German Umlauts are not set correctly with all the zoom factor
C:\\java\\reg_5u13_b01\\test\\java\\awt\\font\\4322332\\Test4322332.java:6: package org.netbeans.jemmy does not exist
import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
Note: these are regression tests problem, not sqe test suite problem.
Please change to appropriate subcategory if not correct.
hardvare: Win XP Home
locale: de
Compilation of tests ToolTipLeak.java, Bug4280243.java and Umlauts.java fails because package org.netbeans.jemmy does not exist.
For more info see report at http://java-g11n.sfbay/j2se/5.0u13/i18n/reports/results/b01/regression/windows_x86-XPHomeSP2-de/JTreport/failed.html
This didn't happen in update release 12.
failed test cases:
Compilation failed
* javax/swing/ToolTipManager/4352535/ToolTipLeak.java: 4352535 - ToolTipManager still leaks in Metal L&F 4360510 - Merlin(B26), Win2000 Hebrew,Solaris7IA, JToolTip throws exceptions 4360510 fixes goes with bug 4352535 Fixed in JDK1.3.1_03
* java/awt/im/4280243/Bug4280243.java: NullPointerException when popup menu extends beyonds parent frame
* java/awt/font/4322332/Umlauts.java: The dots of the German Umlauts are not set correctly with all the zoom factor
C:\\java\\reg_5u13_b01\\test\\java\\awt\\font\\4322332\\Test4322332.java:6: package org.netbeans.jemmy does not exist
import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
Note: these are regression tests problem, not sqe test suite problem.
Please change to appropriate subcategory if not correct.