Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
5.0u13, 5.0u14
Build : JDK 5.0 U13 b01
Platform: S10 AMD
Locale: th_TH.UTF8
1)Execute the testcases using the GS testsuite : GS-Tonga_03.zip , for Thai locale.[i.e run the suite's script file from <suite>/bin directory using keyword "th"]
2)the testcases does not fail as such, but testsuite gets executed completly & finishes.
3)if you see under the <suite>/bin directory, from where you executed the suite's script, you will see many logs of the format :hs_err_pid*.log.
All those logs ,that were generated under bin directory ,are put into a tar file & attached for reference(logs.tar)
-could reproduce this consistently with both 32bit & 64bit JDK5.0U13-b01 bundles.
-found this when executing on thai locale
-Also tested using the i18n_demo.jar , i.e tested individual components separately- But here, no such logs were seen to be thrown.
Iam not sure whether this is a testsuite issue or a JDK issue , because from the log files iam not able to figure out this.[Note that this issue was not seen in the earlier release of JDK5.0U12 where the same suite was used. Hence filing it under JDK category for now.]
Platform: S10 AMD
Locale: th_TH.UTF8
1)Execute the testcases using the GS testsuite : GS-Tonga_03.zip , for Thai locale.[i.e run the suite's script file from <suite>/bin directory using keyword "th"]
2)the testcases does not fail as such, but testsuite gets executed completly & finishes.
3)if you see under the <suite>/bin directory, from where you executed the suite's script, you will see many logs of the format :hs_err_pid*.log.
All those logs ,that were generated under bin directory ,are put into a tar file & attached for reference(logs.tar)
-could reproduce this consistently with both 32bit & 64bit JDK5.0U13-b01 bundles.
-found this when executing on thai locale
-Also tested using the i18n_demo.jar , i.e tested individual components separately- But here, no such logs were seen to be thrown.
Iam not sure whether this is a testsuite issue or a JDK issue , because from the log files iam not able to figure out this.[Note that this issue was not seen in the earlier release of JDK5.0U12 where the same suite was used. Hence filing it under JDK category for now.]