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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6594638

Nimbus L&F: JSplitPane Issues


      Nimbus L&F:JSplitPane Issues
      This is observed on Nimbus L&F on all OSes, with the current 6u4b02 pit build.

      I)SplitPane looks odd with the divider size increased.
      Steps to reproduce:
      a)Run SwingSet2 Demo with the nimbus L&f and tab to the SplitPane demo.
      b)Increase the divider size to a high value say 100.
      Observe that the divider looks very odd due to the color gradient from left to right.
      Screen Shot is attached for reference.

      II)With ContinousLayout property set to false, while dragging the split pane's divider, a shaded bar should appear which indicates the divider's initial location before the drag is started. See the attached screen shots for the metal, Winxp L&Fs for reference.
      In Nimbus the divider bar itself appears and it looks odd as to which the divider being dragged and which is the initial location of thew divider. Screen shot for Nimbus L&F is also attached for reference.

            jasper Jasper Potts (Inactive)
            smandalisunw Srinivas Mandalika (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
