Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Tested Bundle:-(6u5b04 PIT)
OS:XP Prof
Getting "Main Class Not Found.Program Will Exit " error dialog on launching control panel even after java version shows Client VM.
Steps I followed:
1.Installed Kernel JRE.
2.Launched few jnlp files to download the bundles.
3.Lanched an applet.I got the error dialog "An Error occured while removing E:\Progarm Files\Java \Jre6" (kernel_client.jpg)
4.On clicking OK to this dialog I got java Plug-in Fatal Error(plugin.jpg)
In this state the kernel directory is removed,client directory is present,rt.jar is merged but bundles directory is not removed.
java -version shows Client VM
5.After this launching Control panel gives JVM Error dialog.(jvm_err.jpg,kernel_client4.jpg)
Trying to launch controlpanel from commond prompt gives error downloading bundles.(IOException)
OS:XP Prof
Getting "Main Class Not Found.Program Will Exit " error dialog on launching control panel even after java version shows Client VM.
Steps I followed:
1.Installed Kernel JRE.
2.Launched few jnlp files to download the bundles.
3.Lanched an applet.I got the error dialog "An Error occured while removing E:\Progarm Files\Java \Jre6" (kernel_client.jpg)
4.On clicking OK to this dialog I got java Plug-in Fatal Error(plugin.jpg)
In this state the kernel directory is removed,client directory is present,rt.jar is merged but bundles directory is not removed.
java -version shows Client VM
5.After this launching Control panel gives JVM Error dialog.(jvm_err.jpg,kernel_client4.jpg)
Trying to launch controlpanel from commond prompt gives error downloading bundles.(IOException)