Resolution: Fixed
This can be reproduced on Solaris 10 (x86 and sparc). This is a regression from b03.
Basically, service tag file (/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/servicetag) is not created
when installing jdk using the packages.
Pre-requisite package stclient was installed prior to jdk packages installation.
Quick look at the postinstall and preremove scripts in SUNWj6rt package reveal that the
code relating to servicetag is missing. This code existed in b03.
See missing code in b05 below:
if [ "${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT}" = "" ]; then
${INSTALL_NAME}/bin/java com.sun.servicetag.Installer -source "${PKGINST}"
if [ -f ${INSTALL_NAME}/jre/lib/servicetag ]; then
$INSTALLF -c none $PKGINST ${INSTALL_NAME}/jre/lib/servicetag
While installing JDK using jdk.sh bundle, servicetag file is created and
the registry populated accordingly.
Basically, service tag file (/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/servicetag) is not created
when installing jdk using the packages.
Pre-requisite package stclient was installed prior to jdk packages installation.
Quick look at the postinstall and preremove scripts in SUNWj6rt package reveal that the
code relating to servicetag is missing. This code existed in b03.
See missing code in b05 below:
if [ "${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT}" = "" ]; then
${INSTALL_NAME}/bin/java com.sun.servicetag.Installer -source "${PKGINST}"
if [ -f ${INSTALL_NAME}/jre/lib/servicetag ]; then
$INSTALLF -c none $PKGINST ${INSTALL_NAME}/jre/lib/servicetag
While installing JDK using jdk.sh bundle, servicetag file is created and
the registry populated accordingly.
- relates to
JDK-6623024 64-bit JDK packages installation does not create servicetag
- Resolved