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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6629061

After Java update icon is shwon in system tray, all registry entries are getting deleted


    • b09
    • x86
    • windows_xp
    • Verified

        After Java update icon is shwon in system tray, all registry entries are getting deleted.

        How to reproduce

        1.) Install JRE 6u10
        2.) Create the registry entries for UpdateServletURL.
        3.) The mapping XML file should point to some wrong "iftw.xml" file
        4.) Set the Java update schedule to daily and
        5.) Modify the system time based on update schedule
        6.) Run the "Jusched.xex"
        7.) Registry entries are getting populated and update icon will be displayed in the system tray.
        8.) After some time all the registry entries will be reomoved which were populated

        I have discuss it with Rajani; and she said, this is a bug. So assigning it to her.

              rkajasunw Rajani Kaja (Inactive)
              pgsunw Praveen G (Inactive)
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