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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6631715

1 JCK test api/javax_sound/sampled/Clip ( 2 testcases ) failed ( occasionally hangs ) on RHEL5 x64


    • x86
    • linux_redhat_4.0

         api/javax_sound/sampled/Clip/index.html#ClipTests[Clip2007] - failed.
         api/javax_sound/sampled/Clip/index.html#ClipTests[Clip2008] - failed.
      Testcases Clip2006 and Clip2009 are passed.

      Failed: ( hangs ) on JDK 5 ( checked on u14 rev b04, u13, u12, u10 ) - always on tested
        host, JDK 6 ( checked on 6u4 b06 ) - in ~ 50% cases on tested host.
      Not a regression; can be reproduced for for both linux-x586 and linux-amd64 bundles.

      Passed: RHEL 5 x86, RHEL 4 x86
      Passed: with JDK 7 b21 on RHEL 5 x64 ( stt-45.russia )

      OS/Platform: RHEL 5 x64. ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga) )
      Host: stt-45.russia.sun.com
      JCK: 1.5a, 6.0a
      Sound driver/card:
         Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 2006 UTC).
         HDA Intel at 0xfebf8000 irq 58

      Testcases Clip2006 and Clip2009 are passed.

         2 JCK 1.5a ( for also 6.0a ) testcases hangs on stt-45.russia,
         such behavour also can be observed for JDK 6 ( tested on 6u4 b04 ).
      Test tries to open, start and close sound clip and check LineListener events.

      For JDK 5 - reproduced in 100% cases on stt-45.russia
      For JDK 6 - reproduced in ~50% cases on stt-45.russia

      Investigations( Clip2007 ):
         test hangs on clip close() method :
              Line l = null;
              Line.Info infos[] = AudioSystem.getSourceLineInfo(s_info);
              l = AudioSystem.getLine(infos[0]);
              Clip s = (Clip) l;
          // Clip opening, starting, stoping and checking corresponding events with listener

      Modified test output:
      Clip2007: start
      Clip2007: get AudioInputStream - OK
      Clip2007: before setMicrosecondPosition
      Clip2007: before start
      Clip2007: before stop
      Clip2007: after stop
      Clip2007: before close

      .....test is hanging ...

      If we'll remove work with listener from this test - test is passed ( ! ).See modified test ClipTests.zip ( Clip2007 testcase)

      It looks like some kind of deadlock/race conditions.
      It looks like not drivers/native code related issue.

      The similar, but probably not the same problem is described in CR 4912588.

      How to reproduce:
       1. Log on stt-45.russia ( see comments section for details )
       2. cd /set/stt/newroot/workspace/1.5/u14/b04-rev/jck/runtime/RHEL5-amd64-JCK1.5a-runtime/rerun_failed
       3. Run ./test5.sh for JDK 5 ( correct script if you need ), ./test6.sh for JDK 6, ./test7.sh for JDK 7
          Run also my_test.sh ( it uses modified src ClipTests.java MyLineListener.java from current dir,
                                you can modify if as well )

         ClipTests.java - test itself
         MyLineListener.java - LineListener implementation for test

      Cmd for reproduce:
      /export/JDK/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/java -cp /net/stt-13.russia/export/stt/jck_promotions/1.5a/fcs/b11/binaries/JCK-runtime-15a/classes javasoft.sqe.tests.api.javax.sound.sampled.Clip.ClipTests -platform.canPlaySound true -platform.soundURL file:///set/stt/jck_promotions/1.5a/fcs/b11/binaries/JCK-runtime-15a//tests/api/javax_sound/sound.wav -TestCaseID Clip2007

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            dgubkin Dmitriy Gubkin (Inactive)
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