Resolution: Fixed
Tested build :6u10b07 promoted build / 6u10b08 PIT
Teserd OS :Windows XP,Vista
Steps to reproduce:
1.Install Kernel JRE/Normal JRE
2.Open Java Control Panel and Select Java Tab.
3.Click View button in JNLP Application Runtime Settings.
4.Add a JRE entry in the table displaying the installed JRE versions in User tab of JNLP Runtime Systems dialog and Click OK.
5.Click Apply/OK button in Java Control Panel.
6."Browser Settings Changed" information dialog is displayed.
The information dialog is not present till 6u10b05.As this is an unexpected dialog the test fail during automation.Also,the text of the dialog is irrelevant as the chnage is done to JNLP runtime settings.
All the tests from suite_javaws_controlpanel are failing because of this unexpected popup dialog during automation.
This popup dialog appears only on machines where Mozilla is installed.
In jlab420.india.sun.com (vncpwd:vnc123) this was not reproducible as there was no Mozilla installed.After installing mozilla (1.7.8) the bug is reproducible on this machine also.
Its reproducible in 6u10b10 also ,but the Information dialog's text is changed.
Now its "Java-Plug In Settings Changed.
Changes to the next-generation Java Plug-in option will be in effect after restart of browser(s) "
1.Clear cache & Install Kernel JRE/Normal JRE
2.Open Java Control Panel and Select Java Tab.
3.Click View button in JNLP Application Runtime Settings.
4.Add a JRE entry in the table displaying the installed JRE versions in User tab of JNLP Runtime Systems dialog and Click OK.
5.Click Apply/OK button in Java Control Panel.
6.Information dialog is displayed.with text -"Java-Plug In Settings Changed.
Changes to the next-generation Java Plug-in option will be in effect after restart of browser(s) "
7.Now ,this dialog comes only once,after an installation.On Next attempt there is no dialog displayed.Till b09 the "Browser Settings Changed" dialog was coming every time.
Teserd OS :Windows XP,Vista
Steps to reproduce:
1.Install Kernel JRE/Normal JRE
2.Open Java Control Panel and Select Java Tab.
3.Click View button in JNLP Application Runtime Settings.
4.Add a JRE entry in the table displaying the installed JRE versions in User tab of JNLP Runtime Systems dialog and Click OK.
5.Click Apply/OK button in Java Control Panel.
6."Browser Settings Changed" information dialog is displayed.
The information dialog is not present till 6u10b05.As this is an unexpected dialog the test fail during automation.Also,the text of the dialog is irrelevant as the chnage is done to JNLP runtime settings.
All the tests from suite_javaws_controlpanel are failing because of this unexpected popup dialog during automation.
This popup dialog appears only on machines where Mozilla is installed.
In jlab420.india.sun.com (vncpwd:vnc123) this was not reproducible as there was no Mozilla installed.After installing mozilla (1.7.8) the bug is reproducible on this machine also.
Its reproducible in 6u10b10 also ,but the Information dialog's text is changed.
Now its "Java-Plug In Settings Changed.
Changes to the next-generation Java Plug-in option will be in effect after restart of browser(s) "
1.Clear cache & Install Kernel JRE/Normal JRE
2.Open Java Control Panel and Select Java Tab.
3.Click View button in JNLP Application Runtime Settings.
4.Add a JRE entry in the table displaying the installed JRE versions in User tab of JNLP Runtime Systems dialog and Click OK.
5.Click Apply/OK button in Java Control Panel.
6.Information dialog is displayed.with text -"Java-Plug In Settings Changed.
Changes to the next-generation Java Plug-in option will be in effect after restart of browser(s) "
7.Now ,this dialog comes only once,after an installation.On Next attempt there is no dialog displayed.Till b09 the "Browser Settings Changed" dialog was coming every time.
- relates to
JDK-6654856 Deleting temporary files through Java Control Panel pops up "Java Plug-in Settings Changed" dialog
- Closed
JDK-6675452 "Browser Settings Changed" dialog is displayed when ok button is clicked in java control panel
- Closed