***The members of a type variable X with bound T are the non-private members of T.***
// If T is a type variable, we'd better not have a supertype chain including X!
The members of a type variable X with bound T & I1..In are the members of the intersection type T & I1..In ...
// As in 3ed
- relates to
JDK-6557960 4.4: Allow array type as bound of type variable
- Open
JDK-7120669 4.9: Clarify well-formedness for intersection types & bounded type variables
- Open
JDK-8039222 5.1.10: Define glb for non-class types
- Open
JDK-6531075 Missing synthetic casts when accessing fields/methods of intersection types including type variables
- Closed
JDK-6904536 Generics support broken in Java 7-b40
- Closed
JDK-6946211 Multiple generic types cause weaker access privileges error on clone()
- Closed
JDK-6711619 javac doesn't allow access to protected members in intersection types
- Closed