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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6654458

/java/devtools findbugs doesn't work on windows


    • b25
    • generic
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    • Not verified

      The findbugs installation is platform independent (findbugs is written in java) but the command line startup script for it doesn't seem to work on windows. This may relate to the problem with ant running on windows, but ant got happy when ANT_+HOME was set in the environment. Setting FINDBUGS_HOME doesn't seem to help in this case. The findbugs.bat file starts up the GUI, which isn;t what we want.

      Not sure if it might work with cygwin, but it does not work with MKS, maybe that's the issue? In which case, maybe at some point this problem won't matter?
      After I sorted out setting ANT_HOME and FINDBUGS_HOME for my windows-i586 builds,
      I find the build stopped cold, waiting for this process to return:

       2416 0:03 "javaw.exe" "-Dfindbugs.home=g:/martin/devtools/share/findbugs/findbugs-1.2.1" -Xmx384m -jar "g:/martin/devtools/share/findbugs/findbugs-1.2.1\lib\findbugsGUI.jar" "-version"

      These Windows builds run over ssh->cygwin->MKS so there is nothing remotely
      like a 'desktop' in the loop.

      j2se/make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk line 113 looks like this:

      _FINDBUGS_VER :=$(shell $(FINDBUGS) -version 2>&1 )

      I would like to add -textui, so it looks like this:

      _FINDBUGS_VER :=$(shell $(FINDBUGS) -textui -version 2>&1 )
      *** (#1 of 1): 2007-09-24 16:06:36 PDT ###@###.###
      On windows, with no findbugs/ant installed

      WARNING: The version of findbugs being used is older than
             the required version of '1.1'.
             The version of findbugs found was '/bin/pwd: not found The path , which is where I think FindBugs is located, does not seem to be a directory.'.
      *** (#1 of 1): 2007-09-07 17:42:13 PDT ###@###.###

            ohair Kelly Ohair (Inactive)
            ohair Kelly Ohair (Inactive)
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