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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6662588

Can not edit the "Employee" text field for first time when sun tea is lauched with OOP in IE


    • b26
    • x86
    • windows_2000
    • Verified

      I am not able to edit the or write anything when sun tea is laucnched with OOP in IE for first time. I am using WIN 2k with SP4 and IE 6

      How to reproduce

      1.) Install 6u10 b12 (Make sure new plugin is selected)

      2.) Make the changes for proxy server in the IE
       Open IE -> tool -> Internet option -> Connections -> LAN setting -> click adavnce button setting in proxy server tab
      And copy this "india.sun.com;india;suntea.holland.sun.com;suntea.central.sun.com;suntea.europe.sun.com;suntea.singapore.sun.com;suntea.japan.sun.com"

      3.) launch the suntea from IE

      4.) After SUN tea is launched, don't minimize it.

      5.) As initial focus is set to "Employee" text field. Try to edit the "Employee" text field. Nothing happens.

      6.) And now click the "Employee" text field using mouse and do the step 5. Result is same, nothing happens.

      1.) click the password text field and then again "Employee" text field

      2.) Minimize the sun tea application and maximize it again.

      It will work fine.

      Now change the OOP to old plugin
      1.) Launch the SUN tea from IE
      2.) Initial focus is not set in the "Employee" text field.
      3.) Click the mouse indide "Employee" text field. It will work fine

            kbr Kenneth Russell (Inactive)
            pgsunw Praveen G (Inactive)
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