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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6670408

testcase panics 1.5.0_12&_14 JVM when java.net.PlainSocketImpl trying to throw an exception


    • b29
    • sparc
    • solaris
    • Not verified

        Customer's app crashes on 1.5.0_12 in various java.net.PlainSocketImpl functions,
        while it was fine on 1.5.0_11. There is no simple crash pattern.

        The problem is easily reproducible.

        Please run through the following steps:

        1. Testcase
        Please find attached the following test case:
         5607 Mar 3 16:00 SocketTest.java
         5328 Mar 3 16:02 cms_test_client.jar

        Please note: you will need to have a WebServer running locally on port 80.

        2. Run
        java -classpath </path/to/>cms_test_client.jar testclient.SocketTest 256 5000 10.13

        3. crashes appear on 1.5.0_12, _13, _14, and _15
        [ ... ]
        Got exception with localhost Invalid argument

         Got 179 hanging threads

        Got exception with localhost Invalid argument
        Got exception with localhost Invalid argument
        Got exception with localhost Invalid argument
        Got exception with localhost Invalid argument
        Active = 256 getCompletedTaskCount 35154 getTaskCount 64516 getPoolSize 256
        [thread 266 also had an error]
        # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
        # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

        4. 1.5.0_11 is fine
        /data/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -classpath /net/redback.germany/data/38045863/testcase/cms_test_client.jar testclient.SocketTest 256 5000 10.13
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        [ ... ]
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        SucessFul localhost 80
        Active = 0 getCompletedTaskCount 64516 getTaskCount 64516 getPoolSize 256

              chegar Chris Hegarty
              thlenz Thomas Lenz (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
