hardcodes options -Xms 16m -Xmx 16m which makes it incompatible with some configurations, e.g it fails if run with -d64 -server -Xcomp -XX:-PrintVMOptions -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified
If these options are required for test to pass, the test should check compatibility with VM configuration.
hardcodes options -Xms 16m -Xmx 16m which makes it incompatible with some configurations, e.g it fails if run with -d64 -server -Xcomp -XX:-PrintVMOptions -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified
If these options are required for test to pass, the test should check compatibility with VM configuration.