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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6703056

Closing icon is not shown when the dragged applet is brought foreground from background


    • b26
    • generic
    • windows
    • Verified

      The closing icon for the applet is not visible, when it is opened from the desktop shortcut and moved to backgound of other application window and brought back to the foreground.

      Steps to reproduce :
      1) Load following applet inside the browser
      2) Drag applet out of the browser and close the browser (to drag applet, use ALT + left click)
      3) There should be pop-up to create a shortcut. Click "OK" and make sure that shortcut is getting created
      4) Launch the same applet from desktop shortcut.
      5) Open another application say Windows explorer
      6) Now click on the applet application on the taskbar

      The applet comes to the foreground but there is no closing icon on the top-right corner
      (see attachment)
      The bug is reproduced if the behaviour is same as mentioned in the steps above.

      The closing icon comes back if the applet is dragged after bringing it to the foreground.

            kbr Kenneth Russell (Inactive)
            snathsunw Subrata Nath (Inactive)
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