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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6704213

DnD:Java Console doesn't display user accelerator keys menu when applet opened from desktop shortcut


    • b26
    • generic
    • windows
    • Verified

      In case of dragged applet, when it is opened from the desktop shortcut, the java console does not display the following user accelerator menu options as well other output/trace....
      Also the console does not respond when the following menu option keys are pressed.

      Java Web Start 1.6.0_01
      Using JRE version 1.6.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
      User home directory = C:\Users\Admin
      c: clear console window
      f: finalize objects on finalization queue
      g: garbage collect
      h: display this help message
      m: print memory usage
      o: trigger logging
      p: reload proxy configuration
      q: hide console
      r: reload policy configuration
      s: dump system and deployment properties
      t: dump thread list
      v: dump thread stack
      0-5: set trace level to <n>

      Pressing any of the option keys does not respond as expected. Suppose pressing the key "S" should dump the System properties into the console.

      Steps to reproduce :
      1) Go to Java control panel and enable to option "Show Console" under the advanced Tab.
      2) Load following applet inside the browser
      3) Drag applet out of the browser and close the browser (to drag applet, use ALT + left click)
      4) There should be pop-up to create a shortcut. Click "OK" and make sure that shortcut is getting created
      5) Close the browser and applet.
      6) Launch the same applet from desktop shortcut

      Java Console comes up, observe the content of the console. If the user help menu options are missing the bug is reproducible.
      Try pressing the keys "S", "T" etc, if output/trace get dumped inside the console, the bug gets reproduced.....

            kbr Kenneth Russell (Inactive)
            snathsunw Subrata Nath (Inactive)
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