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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6729238

deployment toolkit mimetype is already used by mozilla - javascript changes only


    • b01
    • generic
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    • Verified

      I just noticed that you guys still appear to ship the Java Deployment
      Toolkit (or whatever it's really called, npdeploytk.dll is the dll in
      question) with a mimetype that's
      "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin" which is what our npruntime
      scriptable plugin sample uses for its mimetype :)

      You probably want to make sure that doesn't go out as official :)

      it doesn't directly break anything that normal users would ever encounter, but it does conflict with one of our internal plugin samples, which given the mimetype conflict I'm assuming your plugin is based on.

      The biggest concern I'd have about this issue would be that people would start depending on this mimetype which could make it harder for you guys to change it in a later release. I don't know what the actual nature of the plugin in question is at all, so it may not matter in this regard.

            herrick Andy Herrick (Inactive)
            ngthomas Thomas Ng (Inactive)
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