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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6760805

empty element on bootclasspath breaks test/tools/apt/Compile/compile.sh


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 7
    • 7
    • tools
    • apt
    • b39
    • generic
    • generic
    • Not verified

        The problem is related to empty paths on the bootclasspath,
        and to the JRE issue of not ignoring empty path elements when
        looking for resources.

        In the Ant build file, we put the value of an Ant variable on the
        *JRE* bootclasspath used to run the tests. This is so that
        in principle we can profile (etc) the execution of the classes of
        the tools we are testing. The value happens to be empty. Because
        it is on the JRE bootclasspath, it is not affected by the
        fix to ignore empty path elements on the javac bootclasspath.

        apt uses a URLClassLoader to locate annotation processors,
        using sun.misc.ServiceLoader. This uses the getResource()
        mechanism to locate files describing annotation processors.
        URLClassLoader always searches up the delegation chain,
        including the JRE classloader. This is not an option.

        The test prepares jar files containing annotation processors
        from files prepared in the current directory.

        The net result of all this is that when the test is run, if there
        is an empty element on the bootclasspath, it will be treated
        as a reference to the current directory when searching for
        service configuration files, and so give a "false positive" for
        the files in the current directory used to create the last of the
        jar files. This false positive shows up during service discovery,
        and so causes the expected annotation processors to execute
        in the wrong order. This causes the output from this part of the
        test to be different from the expected golden file output, and the
        test fails.

        [[ The processors are being invoked in the wrong order, because
           Round4Apf is being invoked first. This is because the round4apf.jar
           was created *last*, and there is a META-INF/services file left around
           in the current directory, from when round4apf.jar was created. ]]

        The fix is to delete the contents of ./META-INF/services after the
        jar files have been created, so that an empty element on the
        bootclasspath does not accidentally find them.

              jjg Jonathan Gibbons
              jjg Jonathan Gibbons
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