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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6774258

api/java_awt/Component/index.html#PaintUpdate fails randomly


    • b03
    • b03
    • generic
    • windows
    • Verified

        JCK : JCK 6b b24
        J2SE : FAIL - jdk 6u10, 6u11 not always reproducible. (rarely fails on 6u7)
        Platform[s] : FAIL - found on Windows
        switch/Mode : FAIL - default

        Recently we noticed that api/java_awt/Component/index.html#PaintUpdate fails sometimes with the message:
        paintUpdateOnFirstShowOnScreen: Failed. Update is called on heavyweight component, however that was not requested.
        paintUpdateOnFirstShowOnScreen_ZeroWidthOptimization: Passed. OKAY
        paintUpdateOnFirstShowOnScreen_ZeroHeightOptimization: Passed. OKAY
        repaintHeavyweight_1: Passed. OKAY
        repaintLightweight_1: Passed. OKAY
        repaintHeavyweight_2: Passed. OKAY
        repaintLightweight_2: Passed. OKAY
        repaintHeavyweight_3: Passed. OKAY
        repaintLightweight_3: Passed. OKAY
        repaintHeavyweight_4: Passed. OKAY
        repaintLightweight_4: Passed. OKAY
        testPaintAll: Passed. OKAY

        Rarely other testcases may fail.

        Failures occures mostly on windows. Can't say is it regression or not, since older version of java was tested with JCK6a and this test was excluded in JCK6a (See CR 6602349). There is also CR 6571823 that states that this test is invalid. The only visible changes in this test between JCK6a and JCK6b is possibility to provide other timeouts and changes in error messages.

        Steps to reproduce:
        1. Log in to stt-15.russia (or other windows machine)
        2. Install JCK6b (on stt-15.russia it is installed to Z:/Links/stt/jck_promotions/6a/fcs/alt2/binaries/JCK-runtime-6a)
        3. Install JDK 6u11 b03
        4. Run the script:
        #!/bin/bash -v

        export CLASSPATH="Z:/Links/stt/jck_promotions/6a/fcs/alt2/binaries/JCK-runtime-6a/classes"

        OPTS="-Djck.EDTScript.initialDelay=1000ms -Djck.EDTScript.checkDelay=200ms"


        $JAVA -version
        $JAVA $TEST

              dcherepanov Dmitry Cherepanov
              ephilipp Evgeny Philippov (Inactive)
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