Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Case name: java/awt/event/keyEvent/NumpadTest/NumpadTest.html
# Steps to reproduce:
Make sure the NumLock is ON.
Then, type the following keys/characters in the TextField
using the numpad keys:
Verify that the keyChar and keyCode is correct for each key pressed.
Remember that the keyCode for the KEY_TYPED event should be zero.
Also verify that the character you typed appears in the TextField.
Key Name keyChar Keycode
/ Divide / 47 111
* Multiply * 42 106
- Subtract - 45 109
+ Add + 43 107
Now repeat with the NumLock OFF.
# Actual behavior:
The keycode is incorrect for each key pressed.
# Steps to reproduce:
Make sure the NumLock is ON.
Then, type the following keys/characters in the TextField
using the numpad keys:
Verify that the keyChar and keyCode is correct for each key pressed.
Remember that the keyCode for the KEY_TYPED event should be zero.
Also verify that the character you typed appears in the TextField.
Key Name keyChar Keycode
/ Divide / 47 111
* Multiply * 42 106
- Subtract - 45 109
+ Add + 43 107
Now repeat with the NumLock OFF.
# Actual behavior:
The keycode is incorrect for each key pressed.