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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6830141

UE Issues with the new 'Welcome' dialog need to be worked out for 6u14.


    • b06
    • generic, x86
    • windows
    • Not verified

        With the new implementation of the Welcome/License Agreement dailog, some enhancements did not make the b05 build. The following enhancements will be required for b06:

        1. Disable the "Change destination folder" checkbox when the installation is a patch-in-place.

        2. After clicking 'Cancel' an "Are you Sure?" prompt is displayed...the default button on this message box should be 'No'...currently it is 'Yes'.

        3. License Agreement URLs need to be updated for the static hyperlink style text, "license agreement."

        4. Privacy policy URLs need to be updated for the static hyperlink style text, "Click here..."

        5. All resource files for CDownloadDialog and CWelcomeDialog class implementations will need to be translated appropriately and checked for truncations, etc.
        Marketing has also nixed the Vector-specific dialog, so the CWelcomeDialog class should also be modified appropriately. All resources will associated with vector will remain, so as to not derail the l10n effort.

              paulk Paul Klingaman (Inactive)
              paulk Paul Klingaman (Inactive)
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