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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6857365

z-order implemenation is incomplete for a mixing case


    • x86
    • generic

      test/java/awt/ZOrder fails on jdk7 with option -Dsun.awt.disableMixing=true

      The testcase attached to 6797487 can be used to reproduce the problem using standalone application.

      New z-order implementation (introduced by 6809227) changes only the Z-order of the particular component upon addition (or removal, or z-order "change" request using setComponentZOrder) of the component.

      The problem is that the new implementation does nothing on a z-order "change" request coming to a l/w container. And if the container contains some h/w children, then the z-order of the children will not be changed.

      The problem is not visible when the mixing feature is enabled because the mixing implementation tracks all z-order "change" requests ifself. On Java level, the mixing have correct information about z-order for all components of hierarchy and it calculates correct shapes for all components affected by the z-order "change" request.

      On native level, the z-order of the h/w components is incorrent in this case and this needs to be fixed.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dcherepanov Dmitry Cherepanov
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