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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6877342

Applet http://jpseuwt-ap/testcases/131/4396447/FocusExample.html can't load with 5u22b01 on solaris


    • b01
    • b05
    • generic, x86
    • generic, linux_redhat_5.0, solaris_10
    • Verified

        JDK/JRE tested: 5u22b01 J2SE
        OS/architecture: Solaris10 x86
        Reproducible: Always
        Reproducible on machine:
        [If sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:
        Is it a platform specific regression: N
        [If yes] Is it a new platform support: Y/N
        [If yes] Regression relative to OS version:
        Is it a Regression: Not sure
        [If yes] Regression introduced in release/build:
        [If yes] Test result on FCS: Pass/Fail
        Test run log location:
        Steps to reproduce:

        1. Excecute test case of java/awt/Focus/4396447/Test4396447.java. Launch Firefox2.0.14 browser and make sure it uses the test java plugin
        2. Load the following page
        3. A applet will be loaded into browser
               It's divided into 'Left' and 'Right' side with a message
               line at the top
           ** make sure that Java Plug-in console window pop up
        4. Click on gray area in left and right side and see the text changes
        accordingly ('Left/Right has focus') in the top message line
         To Test the bug fix, you can follow step 5 or step 6 or both
        5. Select File -> Print menu from the browser menu bar
            Print Dialog window will come and select 'Cancel'
        6. Both side will have a tree node, click on that node to expand it
           Left click on 'Right2' to make it highlighted and right click
            to open 'Open Dialog'
           Click 'Close' button in dialog box
           Left click on 'Left2' to make it highlighted and look at the message line

        If followed step 5",
           Click again on gray area in left and right side few times",
          If the text in the message line changes according to the side clicked",
              - test PASSED
           If the text in message line is not changed - test FAILED

         If followed step 6",
           If the text in the message line changes according to the side clicked",
              - test PASSED",
           If the text in message line is not changed - test FAILED

        # Actual behavior:
        1.The applet can't load when showing java console.
        2.The applet can run normally when hiding java console.

        #Expected behavior:
        The applet can run normally when showing java console.

        # Java console exceptions:
        Please refer to attachment file showing java console:exception.txt

        Same configuration/5u20b02:same problem

        And the following cases have the same problem:

        Applet test has reported the same problem with CR of 6859106.

              asaha Abhijit Saha
              tonyli Tony Li (Inactive)
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