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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6930549

SIGSEGV in jmm_GetThreadInfo


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      intermittenly crashes:
      Test: service:jmx:iiop://vmsqe-hp-04
      * No Map for connector server
      * Empty Map for connector server
      # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
      # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0110d3c6, pid=7497, tid=1600368
      # JRE version: 7.0
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM with MultiApp Extensions enabled (16.0-b13-internal mixed mode linux-x86 )
      # Problematic frame:
      # V [libjvm.so+0x2de3c6]
      # An error report file with more information is saved as:
      # /tmp/nh/3/hs_err_pid7497.log
      # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
      # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
      Instructions: (pc=0x0110d3c6)
      0x0110d3b6: 1e 01 00 00 83 ec 0c 50 e8 cd ef f3 ff 83 c4 10
      0x0110d3c6: 8b 40 10 3b 47 10 75 ba 50 50 57 56 e8 19 d1 ff
      ;; 0110d3b6 1e 01
      ;; 0110d3b8 00 00 add %al,(%eax)
      ;; 0110d3ba 83 ec 0c sub $0xc,%esp
      ;; 0110d3bd 50 push %eax
      ;; 0110d3be e8 cd ef f3 ff call 0x0104c390
      ;; 0110d3c3 83 c4 10 add $0x10,%esp
      ;; ---------------
      ;; 0110d3c6 8b 40 10 mov 0x10(%eax),%eax
      ;; 0110d3c9 3b 47 10 cmp 0x10(%edi),%eax
      ;; 0110d3cc 75 ba jne 0x0110d388
      ;; 0110d3ce 50 push %eax
      ;; 0110d3cf 50 push %eax
      ;; 0110d3d0 57 push %edi
      ;; 0110d3d1 56 push %esi
      ;; 0110d3d2 e8 19 d1 ff ff call 0x0110a4f0
      Stack: [0x00136000,0x00187000], sp=0x00185db0, free space=13f00185754k
      Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
      V [libjvm.so+0x2de3c6];; jmm_GetThreadInfo+0x536
      C [libmanagement.so+0x4028] Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadInfo0+0x38;; Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadInfo0+0x38
      j sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadInfo0([JI[Ljava/lang/management/ThreadInfo;)V+0
      j sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadInfo([JI)[Ljava/lang/management/ThreadInfo;+72
      j sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadInfo([J)[Ljava/lang/management/ThreadInfo;+3
      j NoServerTimeoutTest.countTimeoutThreads()I+15
      j NoServerTimeoutTest.test(Ljavax/management/remote/JMXServiceURL;LNoServerTimeoutTest$Test;)Z+174
      j NoServerTimeoutTest.test(Ljavax/management/remote/JMXServiceURL;)Z+59
      j NoServerTimeoutTest.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+110
      v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
      V [libjvm.so+0x21c815];; .L203+0xc5
      V [libjvm.so+0x3193b9];; _ZN2os20os_exception_wrapperEPFvP9JavaValueP12methodHandleP17JavaCallArgumentsP6ThreadES1_S3_S5_S7_+0x19
      V [libjvm.so+0x21b6ff];; _ZN9JavaCalls4callEP9JavaValue12methodHandleP17JavaCallArgumentsP6Thread+0x2f
      V [libjvm.so+0x227c3c];; _ZL17jni_invoke_staticP7JNIEnv_P9JavaValueP8_jobject11JNICallTypeP10_jmethodIDP18JNI_ArgumentPusherP6Thread+0x1fc
      V [libjvm.so+0x23646d];; jni_CallStaticVoidMethod+0xbd
      C [libjli.so+0x3ef4];; JavaMain+0x414
      C [libpthread.so.0+0x580e]

            coleenp Coleen Phillimore
            nhaustov Nicolay Haustov (Inactive)
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