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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6948223

Corba issue, fail to reload object



    • b01
    • 5.0
    • b07
    • sparc
    • solaris_10
    • Verified



        Test case is on the new cores server cores2-da-sparc-2-a/cores/72760424. Description on how to run test case is in OriginalEmail.txt in the same directory as the test case and here:

        Attached are three jar files(in cores2-da-sparc-2-a/cores/72760424).
        1. suntest.jar contains all the necessary classes for this test case.
        2. suntestsrc.jar contains all the necessary source files for this test case.
        3. suntestout.jar contains all the output generated by the different executables that were run as part of this test case.

        Test Procedure. Make sure that the provided suntest.jar is in your classpath.
        1. Run the TempObjectServer using the following command or something equivalent.M:\class>java com.brooks.suntest.TempObjectServerImpl TOS

        2. Run the TempObjectClient using the following command or something equivalent.M:\class>java com.brooks.suntest.TempObjectClient TOS TO

        3. Read and follow the instructions on the TempObjectClient and observe the output for the server and the client.

        The same output has been redirected and captured in TempObjectServer.out and TempObjectClient.out files in the attached suntestout.jar.

        1. The first time, the TempObjectClient/TempObjectServer combination succeed to
        load/activate, access and unload/deactivate the TempObject (TO).

        2. The second time also, the TempObjectClient/TempObjectServer combination succeed to load/activate, access and unload/deactivate the TempObject (TO) demonstrating the significance of the step #4 listed above. However this time, the TempObjectClients tries to interact with the unloaded object and as expected fails.

        3. The third time, the TempObjectClient/TempObjectServer combination FAIL to load/activate, access and unload/deactivate the TempObject (TO) and the exceptions
        are there to be analyzed.

        This test scenario works correctly with Java 1.4.2, but fails with Java 1.5 and
        Java 1.6.

        Refer to comments for details.


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                skoppar Sunita Koppar (Inactive)
                lkchow Lawrence Chow
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