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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6954034

CMS: promoted object delinking should be done multi-threaded by workers


    • gc
    • generic
    • generic

      It's currently done by the VM thread, single-threaded. This can become a scalability
      bottleneck in large heap, CMT configurations. A recent measurement with compressed
      oops (when the promoted links need to be decompressed, contributing additional overhead)
      showed that the cost could, when the promotion volume is high, be fairly substantial.
      Amdahl would certainly start rearing his head on our larger CMT boxes.

      The hope is to take the cost down from O(n), n = promotion volume,
      down to O(n/k), k = # workers.

      Since this can be done only after termination has been reached,
      if promotion volume is low then the overhead of parallelization
      might exceed the benefits from it, so we may want to dynamically
      do it one way or another based on cost, which should be measured.
      At any rate getting rid of a potential scalability bottleneck would
      definitely be a good thing.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ysr Y. Ramakrishna
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